What People Are Saying

“Dr. West is such a caring professional. Every time I have any questions, I can call or text and will get a very quick response. I recommend Dr. West to every person I know! She is very knowledgeable and truly cares about each and every one of her patients!”

“Dr. West has been a phenomenal resource for our family. She is so knowledgeable and provides gentle guidance and insight along with effective treatment protocols. I love that she works to treat through natural remedies and lifestyle changes first. She really got to know our daughter and our family and looks at the big picture rather than just a diagnosis. Through our conversations it is clear that she is continually seeking new information and educational opportunities in order to provide her patients with the best care possible. I can’t recommend her highly enough!”

Dr. Kortney West is truly integrating the worlds of Western and Eastern medicine, an integrative holistic approach where your concerns are heard and the root cause is found. Our son struggles with emotional "melt downs" where he was unable to calm himself and a full on emotion would be felt and displayed 100X fold and he could not control it. He was challenged with recall if a physical activity was not part of the learning. All of this seemed to start on a particular weekend at 3.5 years old, like a switch was flipped. It tends to worsen when he is run down with illness or fatigue or adrenaline drops. However, after our first appointment and some lab results returned, Dr. Kortney West recommended supplements and dietary changes that have made a huge difference in his management of emotions and focus. I could say more, that would be a blog or even a book. My point, you have the intuition that something is not quite right with your child, listen to it and call Precise Pediatrics!

“Excellent and caring pediatrician with expertise in managing mental health conditions in children and teens. Highly recommend!”